Friday, January 31, 2020

Military's last barrier to Equality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Military's last barrier to Equality - Essay Example I agree with author that in the current environment of gender equality, there is urgent need to rescind the restrictions on women in combat positions. Indeed, women must have the freedom to choose the area of military services where they want to serve, even if they are dominated by men. McSally has justifiably pointed out that if women can be employed in combat positions in Iraq and Afghanistan, they have the right to those positions in their home ground also. Women have amply shown that they are capable of competing with their counterparts in the battle areas also. In Iraq and Afghanistan, they have won medals for bravery and served in various combat areas like frontline battle where they have killed enemies and have also sacrificed their lives for a better world; at checkpoints they have searched women and children for weapons and last but not the least is that have successfully carried their responsibility of acting as agent in counterinsurgency plans. These are all important area s of combat positions that have been successfully breached by women soldiers. Hence, they have earned the rights to serve in these areas in their country also. Interestingly, the decision to restrict entry for women in various areas of military services like infantry, artillery, tank, special services and other specialty areas is not due to any law passed by Congress. It is in fact, the decisions of Department of Defense that have not been updated to keep with changing times. Author asserts that Mike Mullen, Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff, has realized that contemporary environment is highly vulnerable to explosive situations like terrorist acts of violence and ‘everyone is in a combat zone’. Thus combat related military policies need to be reviewed. National security advisor to President Obama has also stated that ‘women are already serving in combat [in Iraq and Afghanistan] and current policy should be updated to reflect realities on the ground’. These are important indicators to change and would encourage inclusion of women in combat positions in American military. Recently President Obama had passed the strictures to allow homosexuals within the military services. This was the most radical but much needed initiative that hugely supports the concept of equal opportunity for all. The court of law had intervened in the area of defense to ensure that constitutional rights of citizens is not flouted in the garb of social sanctity to various modes of sexuality. Sexual equality has indeed come of age and it is fervently believed that department of defense would now pave way for women in areas that were hitherto restricted for them. The ban of women in various positions and areas of military were broadly based on flimsy excuses. It was believed that ‘their position could disrupt cohesion, may create sexual tension, there will be insurmountable privacy issues; they don’t (as a class) have what it takes†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ etc. T hese are feeble reasons to promote gender differentiation. They lower the esteem of not only American military but also that of American constitution that thrives on freedom of individuals to choose and their right to equal opportunities in all areas of work. President Obama has often emphasized that justice, fairness and equal rights for all must become a ground reality. It is hoped that the same would also be implemented within the various areas of military services and allow women access

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